Proceedings Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 20: Security challenges during covid - 19 : lessons learned and perspectives

Vaata/ Ava
Sazonov, Vladimir, peatoimetaja
Piip, Triin, tegevtoimetaja
Ombler, Mati, kaasautor
Kozłowski, Grzegorz, kaasautor
Sliwa, Zdzislaw, kaasautor
Ruzsonyi, Peter, kaasautor
Laanemaa, Elen, kaasautor
Hatšaturjan, Aida, kaasautor
Belova-Dalton, Oksana, kaasautor
Jalakas, Epp, kaasautor
Vanaisak, Ülle, kaasautor
Näita täielikku nimetuse kirjetKokkuvõte
It is our great pleasure to introduce the current and twentieth issue of the Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences. The Proceedings publish articles and studies which are predominantly focused on modern relevant security issues, questions and challenges with an emphasis on internal security. In this new issue, entitled “Security challenges during COVID-19: lessons learned and perspectives” are published eight articles written by different authors from Estonia, Poland and Hungary, concentrating on several actual aspects of security (threats and challenges among them) in addition to other relevant topics related to internal and international security questions in the context of COVID-19.
Risks of corruption in the healthcare and pharmaceutical sector and the impact of a pandemic / Mati Ombler
Poland’s defence expenditures in the NATO financial framework / Grzegorz Kozłowski
Russian affiliated private military companies in the Syrian civil war / Zdzislaw Sliwa
The issues on reforming the penitentiary systems in the context of COVID-19 / Peter Ruzsonyi
Students’ perception of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) practice at eass: advantages and drawbacks / Elen Laanemaa, Aida Hatšaturjan
Spread of fake news and conspiracy theories leading to potential radicalisation during COVID-19 pandemic: the case of / Oksana Belova-Dalton
Changes in police cadets’ physical activity and strength abilities during COVID-19 restrictions / Epp Jalakas
Expectations of the inspectors of Tallinn Municipal Police Department to increase their rights in performing state supervision / Ülle Vanaisak
Poland’s defence expenditures in the NATO financial framework / Grzegorz Kozłowski
Russian affiliated private military companies in the Syrian civil war / Zdzislaw Sliwa
The issues on reforming the penitentiary systems in the context of COVID-19 / Peter Ruzsonyi
Students’ perception of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) practice at eass: advantages and drawbacks / Elen Laanemaa, Aida Hatšaturjan
Spread of fake news and conspiracy theories leading to potential radicalisation during COVID-19 pandemic: the case of / Oksana Belova-Dalton
Changes in police cadets’ physical activity and strength abilities during COVID-19 restrictions / Epp Jalakas
Expectations of the inspectors of Tallinn Municipal Police Department to increase their rights in performing state supervision / Ülle Vanaisak